Warhammer 40000 Paints and Tools Set Ver maior

Warhammer 40000 Paints and Tools Set



You’ll find 13 different Citadel Colour paints in 12ml pots, featuring the essential colours needed to paint your first models – they're particularly suited to Space Marines of the Ultramarines Chapter and Tyranids of Hive Fleet Leviathan. The set includes Contrast and Shade paints to add extra depth to your paint schemes, and Technical paints to create textured bases.

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35,00 €

Building and painting Citadel miniatures is a fun and exciting way to engage with the Warhammer hobby, and it only gets more rewarding with time. You’ll need a few tools and a set of paints to get started, and this box includes the basics that will form the core of your Warhammer hobby toolbox.

Get started with comfortable clippers to remove your models from the frame, a mouldline scraper to help prepare them for paint, and a starter brush that’s just the right size to get the basics painted.

You’ll find 13 different Citadel Colour paints in 12ml pots, featuring the essential colours needed to paint your first models – they're particularly suited to Space Marines of the Ultramarines Chapter and Tyranids of Hive Fleet Leviathan. The set includes Contrast and Shade paints to add extra depth to your paint schemes, and Technical paints to create textured bases.