Preço reduzido! One Piece Card Game Premium Card Collection Best Selection Ver maior

One Piece Card Game Premium Card Collection Best Selection



A collection of cards frequently used in player's decks is being released as a Premium Card Collection!
Enjoy the ONE PIECE CARD GAME even more by using these cards with new illustrations!

*The cards in this product are different versions of previously released cards featuring alternate illustrations.


  • Cards x 12;
  • Card booklet x 1.

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25 Itens


Ao comprar este produto pode ganhar até 5 pontos de fidelização. Seu carrinho totalizará 5 pontos que podem ser convertidos num vale de desconto de 0,50 €.

50,99 €


59,99 €

A collection of cards frequently used in player's decks is being released as a Premium Card Collection!
Enjoy the ONE PIECE CARD GAME even more by using these cards with new illustrations!

*The cards in this product are different versions of previously released cards featuring alternate illustrations.


  • Cards x 12;
  • Card booklet x 1.