Preço reduzido! Reykholt Ver maior




Growing tomatoes, lettuce, or carrots on Iceland? What an absurd idea! But still, whoever had that idea was a genius! Geothermal energy on the island allows you to cultivate the most unexpected fruits and vegetables — an oddity that no tourist would want to miss.

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4 Itens


Aviso: Últimos itens disponíveis!

Ao comprar este produto pode ganhar até 4 pontos de fidelização. Seu carrinho totalizará 4 pontos que podem ser convertidos num vale de desconto de 0,40 €.

46,49 €


61,99 €

You are not the only farmer in Reykholt who is looking to make a fortune out of this, however, so you better be quick! The tourist season in Reykholt is short, and there are more people coming every year. Making use of the right people and having the right vegetables at the right time in Reykholt will give you the advantage you need to win the race!

  • Tempo de Jogo 30-60 minutos
  • Nº de Jogadores 1-4
  • Mecanismo Comercio/Economia/Manufaturação