Preço reduzido! Gravity Maze Ver maior

Gravity Maze



Gravity Maze is a combination logic game, marble run, and STEM toy that's one of the best gifts you can buy for boys and girls age 8 and up It contains 60 challenges from beginner to expert, a game grid, 9 towers, 1 target piece, and 3 marbles

Idioma Inglês
Mecanismo Estratégia Abstrata
Tempo de Jogo 10-30 minutos
Nº de Jogadores 1
Idade Mínima +8

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5 Itens


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31,49 €


34,99 €

Trusted by Families Worldwide - With over 50 million sold, ThinkFun is the world's leading manufacturer of brain games and mind challenging puzzles
Develops critical skills – Playing your way through the challenges builds spatial reasoning and planning skills, and is partly an engineering and building toy that provides a great stealth learning experience for young players
What you get – Gravity Maze is a combination logic game, marble run, and STEM toy that's one of the best gifts you can buy for boys and girls age 8 and up It contains 60 challenges from beginner to expert, a game grid, 9 towers, 1 target piece, and 3 marbles
Clear instructions – Easy to learn with a clear, high quality instruction manual You can start playing and solving right away
Comes with multi-level challenges - Gravity Maze comes with 60 beginner to expert challenges that become increasingly difficult as you play through them

  • Idioma Inglês
  • Idade Mínima +8
  • Tempo de Jogo 10-30 minutos
  • Nº de Jogadores 1
  • Mecanismo Estratégia Abstrata