The beautiful Tuscany region, in the 15th century, is the home of the Italian Renaissance. As influential princes, the players make creative decisions to build their region into a flourishing domain.
Idioma Inglês
Mecanismo Cidade/Civilização/Construção
Tempo de Jogo 30-60 minutos
Nº de Jogadores 2-4
Idade Mínima +10
2 Artigo Itens
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Ao comprar este produto pode ganhar até 4 pontos de fidelização. Seu carrinho totalizará 4 pontos que podem ser convertidos num vale de desconto de 0,40 €.
The beautiful Tuscany region, in the 15th century, is the home of the Italian Renaissance. As influential princes, the players make creative decisions to build their region into a flourishing domain.
By supporting towns, villages, and monasteries, or by extracting marble and delivering goods, players see their lands grow, earning them victory points. Each round, players use cards to place useful tiles to expand their regions and gain new opportunities.
The winner is the person who has the most victory points after three rounds of play.