Thats not a hat 3: Incognito



In this version (a more mature version of That's Not a Hat) you constantly change personalities and try to remember who is who at every moment. Memorizing 2 personalities seems easy? However, as soon as you memorize, you have already forgotten who you were... and here you are with an unknown personality. If you are not sure who you are, bluff convincingly enough... or announce a new character that combines the criteria of several cards to confuse your opponents!

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Superior a 72 unidades


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14,99 €

In this version (a more mature version of That's Not a Hat) you constantly change personalities and try to remember who is who at every moment. Memorizing 2 personalities seems easy? However, as soon as you memorize, you have already forgotten who you were... and here you are with an unknown personality. If you are not sure who you are, bluff convincingly enough... or announce a new character that combines the criteria of several cards to confuse your opponents! The latter can either believe you and accept it, or refuse by saying that you are lying about your personality... at the risk of being wrong and recovering a negative point!
A memory game… or at least a game of pretending. Simple, surprising and… simply unforgettable.

Includes an Extreme variant and an "Extreme- Extreme variant" as well a new direction symbol on the back of some cards.