Lets Hit Each Other With Fake Swords: Exploding Kittens



If the fight boss sees a fighter violate a rule — such as disobeying a card or hitting an opponent on the head or arm — the other fighter wins. If a fighter hits their opponent on the chest or back (or meets the victory condition on a card), they claim all of the cards in that pile. Everyone else who was pointing at the same pile as someone else gets nothing.

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The hook of the party game Let's Hit Each Other with Fake Swords is that...you get to hit each other with fake swords. Why you're doing that is to claim action cards. Collect three cards of a color, and you have a set; collect three sets before anyone else, and you win.

Each round, the fight boss divides cards into piles, then after a countdown of 3-2-1, everyone points to the pile they want. If no one else has pointed at your pile, take that pile and place those cards (or card) in front of you. If no one points at a pile, discard that pile. If multiple people point at a pile (or multiple piles have multiple people pointing at them), the fight boss chooses which two people pointing at the same pile will fight, and those players then try to hit one another with fake swords — but they must follow all of the rules on the cards over which they are fighting. Maybe you have to stand on one leg or wield the sword without bending your elbow or keep a running count of the things the fighters hit...or maybe you have to do all three of those things!

If the fight boss sees a fighter violate a rule — such as disobeying a card or hitting an opponent on the head or arm — the other fighter wins. If a fighter hits their opponent on the chest or back (or meets the victory condition on a card), they claim all of the cards in that pile. Everyone else who was pointing at the same pile as someone else gets nothing.