The first Gundam as visually re-interpreted in Gundam The Origin features new engineering that allows it to perform amazing feats of flexibility in its torso and ankles to recreate dynamic poses never before possible. Weapons include wrist and chest-mounted vulcans, chest-mounted launchers, interchangeable shoulder cannon, bazooka, 2 types of beam rifles, beam sabers, and a shield. New to this version are special effect parts to recreate smoke trails/muzzle flash on its small arms weapons.
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The first Gundam as visually re-interpreted in Gundam The Origin features new engineering that allows it to perform amazing feats of flexibility in its torso and ankles to recreate dynamic poses never before possible. Weapons include wrist and chest-mounted vulcans, chest-mounted launcher, interchangeable shoulder cannon, bazooka, 2 types of beam rifles, beam sabers, and a shield. New to this version are special effect parts to recreate smoke trails/muzzle flash on its small arms weapons.