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The Empty Soul holds more than we mortals dare comprehend - adorn your...
Midnight blue, the mysterious air of midnight. Boost your cube with the...
Forest green, dense and lush. Boost your cube with the new and improved...
Clear front & metallic Copper back.The material of shining spires....
100 Sleeves per Pack Standard size sleeves for card games like Magic,...
Pokémon TCG: Espada e Escudo - Origem Perdida Booster em português....
Caixa selada, danificada no canto inferior esquerdo, consoante mostram...
Caixa selada, ligeiramente vincada na lateral do lado esquerdo,...
Caixa danificada no canto inferior esquerdo na parte de trás e no canto...
Jogo completo, caixa rasgada na parte superior, consoante mostram as...
Jogo completo, caixa danificada no canto inferior esquerdo, consoante...
Revo® 3.3 stands alone as the pinnacle of nitro monster truck...
The Ultimate Trial is about to begin! BattleCON brings the best of...
Tales from the Yawning Portal provides D&D fans with adventures,...
Diabolical dangers await in this adventure for the world’s greatest...
Highlights Collect cards. Play your...
The Ultimate Trial is about to begin! BattleCON brings the best of head-to-head combat to life on your tabletop. Select your champion from 10 fantastical heroes and villains, then build custom attacks to take down your opponent in an intense, highly strategic duel. Every character can utilize over 40 different moves in combat, and each brings a powerful...
Tales from the Yawning Portal provides D&D fans with adventures, magic items, and deadly monsters—all of which have been updated to the fifth edition rules. Tales from the Yawning Portal Includes the following adventures: Against the GiantsDead in ThayForge of FuryHidden Shrine of TamoachanSunless CitadelTomb of HorrorsWhite Plume Mountain
Diabolical dangers await in this adventure for the world’s greatest roleplaying game. Welcome to Baldur's Gate, a city of ambition and corruption. You’ve just started your adventuring career, but already find yourself embroiled in a plot that sprawls from the shadows of Baldur's Gate to the front lines of the planes-spanning Blood War! Do you have what it...
Esta expansão para “Mille Fiori” traz novos elementos estratégicos para o jogo, permitindo aos jogadores explorar diferentes caminhos para a vitória. Com adições que promovem novas interações e incrementos nas opções de pontuação, ” As obras primas” amplia significativamente a rejogabilidade e profundidade do jogo base.
Escondidos e esquecidos, os achados mais incríveis descansam ao lado de escombros e areia. Quem será o primeiro arqueólogo a descobrir os segredos da antiguidade? Tebas desafia-o a ganhar pontos de vitória escavando sítios no Mediterrâneo e organizando exposições onde mostrará os achados encontrados. Decida com cuidado como gasta o seu tempo, que é o...
Regresse à misteriosa ilha de Arnak, o Professor está desaparecido numa ilha não mapeada e terá de encontrá-lo! A segunda expansão do multipremiado título As Ruínas Perdidas de Arnak, que combina construção de baralhos e mecânica de colocação de trabalhadores, além de ampliar as possibilidades estratégicas do jogo base. Com 2 novos templos para explorar,...
It is the year 2400 and you are Kalia Lavel. You once dreamed of fighting crime as a highly trained cyber-agent, but it quickly became obvious that the corp you worked for only cared about their bottom line. So you quit and left the privileges of the elite BelCor forces behind. Now, without your badge and stripped of your cyber-implants, you need to solve...
O Party & Co Disney da Diset em português a a magia da Disney a casa e no seu formato mais divertido! Adquire esta divertida versão do Party Game mais famoso, com provas especiais da Disney e seus protagonistas, cars, mickey, minnie, nemo, frozen e muitas mais surpresas. Mostra quem sabe mais sobre o mundo Disney na família, pois este é um jogo para...
Level 8 the card game with Stitch, the main character of Disney: 2 to 6 players compete for victory level after level. At the beginning, everyone receives a level card with eight tasks. Who will be the fastest to put together the requested combinations of number sequences, identical numbers and identical colours?
Stitch fans will have great fun with this mini memory® game, and with the cutest alien in the world and all his friends on 24 pairs of cards. The aim of the classic board game memory® is to collect the most pairs of pictures. If you find a matching pair of cards, you can keep them and reveal two more cards. In the end, whoeveris able to collect the most...
In this version (a more mature version of That's Not a Hat) you constantly change personalities and try to remember who is who at every moment. Memorizing 2 personalities seems easy? However, as soon as you memorize, you have already forgotten who you were... and here you are with an unknown personality. If you are not sure who you are, bluff convincingly...
Adds 40 new visitor cards to any version of Viticulture.New Promoter Visitor Card (replacement for second edition promoter).New Harvest Machine Card (replacement for Tuscany harvest machine).This is an expansion - Viticulture Base Game Required to Play.
Mergulhe nas encantadoras profundezas de um ecossistema de recifes de coral. Expanda habilmente as suas formações de coral e crie habitats florescentes, atraindo uma variedade de fascinantes animais marinhos. AQUA convida-o a mergulhar na beleza e maravilhas do oceano, proporcionando uma incrível variedade de experiências de jogo para toda a família.
Aventureiros, o tesouro aguarda! Neste jogo de cartas acelerado, recrutará um grupo para uma expedição, na esperança de encontrar artefatos antigos. Terá de usar as habilidades dos integrantes da sua expedição e de ter muito cuidado com todo o tipo de ameaças. Também terá de tentar frustrar os planos dos seus rivais, que estão dispostos a roubar,...
Aprendizes de Kung-fu, chegou a hora de mostrar ao Mestre Ba Tsen Doh tudo o que aprenderam. Com um ritmo frenético, Tinco desafia a colecionar cartas do mesmo formato ou cor e pegar fragmentos da medalhão da concórdia para subir posições na torre da harmonia. Dominará o Kung-fu superior ou afundará, vítima da discórdia?
Em The Lie, todas as cartas mentem! No verso mostram números de 1 a 4 em 4 cores diferentes. Porém, quando as vira, algo muda, seja a cor ou o número. Terá que jogar com inteligência para combinar os números mais altos da mesma cor. Quem conseguir ficar sem cartas em cada ronda ganhará muitos pontos. Pronto para brincar com números?
Caixa danificada nos cantos e rasgada no canto inferior direito, da parte da frente da caixa, consoante mostram as imagens.Não disponível para revenda.
Monkey Palace is a jungle-themed game of light strategy that incorporates both collaborative and competitive elements. Players must strategically work together to construct the Monkey Palace while competing for the highest brick income and points, all under the watchful gaze of the Monkey. The palace gradually takes form thanks to a construction using...
By strategically using your movement cards, you'll have to try to get your characters to the finish line first and slow down your opponent's characters by stopping them on obstacle fields.
Encontra os pares por entre as tuas personagens Disney e Pixar favoritas, nesta edição especial do clássico jogo Dobble, o jogo de observação e rapidez para todos! Nomeia antes dos outros o único símbolo em comum entre 2 cartas para ganhar. Contém 90 grandes cartas e 5 mini-jogos!
Dixit… a surprising, enchanting and evocative game to be enjoyed with friends and family alike. This multi-award winning party game returns with Dixit: 10th Anniversary, an 84 card expansion pack.
Allows you to add up to two more opponents to The Settlers of Catan. The only change in the rules is that there is a building round at the end of each turn in which any player can build. Belongs to the Catan Series.
When all you can identify in the horizon for many long days is the line that detaches the sea from the sky, the glimpse of a distant shore appearing before you will make you shiver at the understanding that the adventure is about to begin.
Army of the Dead: A Zombicide Game is a standalone game in the Zombicide franchise based on the movie Army of the Dead (2021) directed by Zach Snyder.
Jogo completo, o "defeito" consiste no jogo ter sido aberto e usado para demonstrações.Não disponível para revenda.
During the campaign, new rules and components will be introduced. These will sometimes require you to permanently alter the components of the game; this includes writing on cards, ripping up cards, and placing permanent stickers on components. Your characters can gain new skills, or detrimental effects. A character can even be lost entirely, at which...
Fifty years ago, humanity began mining the Moon and the asteroids, and for decades that task was firmly kept in the hands of the World Government. But the turmoils of recent years have caused this enterprise to collapse. Now, adventurous companies and private investors take to the sky to revive this mining network.
In battle, there are no equals. Unmatched is a highly asymmetrical miniature fighting game for two or four players. Each hero is represented by a unique deck designed to evoke their style and legend. Tactical movement and no-luck combat resolution create a unique play experience that rewards expertise, but just when you've mastered one set, new heroes...
Sleeping Gods: Distant Skies is a standalone sequel set in the world of Sleeping Gods. As in the original game, you and your friends trek through a vast landscape as you read branching storylines and meet vivid characters, but in this game you interact with the atlas on a deeper level — camping, exploring, overcoming obstacles, and searching for lost...
The Isle of Cats Duel is a competitive, standalone game designed specifically for two players, set in the beloved world of The Isle of Cats.Go head-to-head in this cat-placement board game and prove, once and for all, that you are the best cat rescuer.In the game, you are citizens of Squalls End on a rescue mission to the Isle of Cats and must save as...
Earn points by feeding your Nestlings their preferred food, and use others to fulfill Gathering Goals. Fill your Resource Ring to gain recurring victory points each round, as well as immediate bonuses that can create powerful chain reactions. Any unused resources can be traded for a variety of even more benefits! At the completion of four rounds, players...
The Rocky Mountains Expansion literally expands the Whistle Stop gameboard, adding a 3D mountain range to the game. These mountains provide a barrier that will challenge your West Coast aspirations, but can also provide lucrative rewards for those willing to cross them.
Catchables names both a set of collectible squishy foam toys — Rainbow-Ralphing Cat, Lumber Cat, Donut Cat, etc. — and a game played with these toys. To play, each player starts with their own Catchable and an action card. On a turn, a player throws their Catchable in the air, then performs the stunt on their action card....
Catchables names both a set of collectible squishy foam toys — Rainbow-Ralphing Cat, Lumber Cat, Donut Cat, etc. — and a game played with these toys. To play, each player starts with their own Catchable and an action card. On a turn, a player throws their Catchable in the air, then performs the stunt on their action card....
Catchables names both a set of collectible squishy foam toys — Rainbow-Ralphing Cat, Lumber Cat, Donut Cat, etc. — and a game played with these toys. To play, each player starts with their own Catchable and an action card. On a turn, a player throws their Catchable in the air, then performs the stunt on their action card....
Catchables names both a set of collectible squishy foam toys — Rainbow-Ralphing Cat, Lumber Cat, Donut Cat, etc. — and a game played with these toys. To play, each player starts with their own Catchable and an action card. On a turn, a player throws their Catchable in the air, then performs the stunt on their action card....
A dark rumour rises from Mordor. The Eye turns to Middle-earth. The hour has come. The Fellowship is reunited. The Heroes prepare for battle. In Duel for Middle-earth, you’ll have to choose sides. Play as the Fellowship of the Ring, prevent the Enemy from gaining ground and destroy the One Ring. Or play as Sauron and send your Nazgûl after Sam and Frodo,...
Sleeping Gods: Primeval Peril is a short standalone campaign for one or two players, but will include a variant for playing with 3-4, set in the world of Sleeping Gods and using the same rules. Primeval Peril is set on a dangerous river that winds through lush jungle. It includes new characters and stories so that nothing from the Sleeping Gods base game...