Winterborne has multiple paths to victory and each player can decide the best route based on card collection, expanding and settling, or trading with allies. Each path provides a rich and enjoyable play.
There's something strange in your neighborhood! save the world from paranormal activity by subduing the vapors, entities and slimers at famous new York locations from the original Ghostbusters movie. Improve your locations with custom sculpted Ghost traps and storage units to hold the spooks at bay. No job is too big, no fee is too big in this custom...
The Space Race was a lie.Look, it's not that the moon landing was faked. It happened. Neil hates the conspiracy theories. The lie is that we ever wanted to go to the moon. We needed a spectacle to show the people. To justify the massive budgets. The agencies.Neil stepped on a rock 239,000 miles from Earth. Big deal. I stepped on an exoplanet circling...
In Ettin, you will lead one of eight nations to victory in a series of fast-paced wars, and you won’t do it alone! Players make pairs of allies (Like a two-headed Ettin!), sharing units and strategies as they face their enemies on either side.
RONE: Races of New Era is a strategic post-apocalyptic card game for 2 or 4 players.
Next Level adds an additional Solo Boss, a new set of Basic Mutants, and two modules that you can incorporate into the game. Heroic Mutants are super powerful mutants that replace some of the Advanced Mutants you would normally have in your Gene Pool. Orbs can be used to give an extra power boost to players that land in the Dread Zone, so they can fight...
Incubator Overload gives you access to more mutants, so you can create thousands of amazing new combos! It also includes the Buildings expansion module, which alters the game's rules and provides new challenges for you to face. Finally, Heimdall and Glubber have risen and are threatening to destroy the facility! Rally the troops and pit your best mutants...
The game brings some of 2000 AD’s most well-known characters to the streets of Mega-City One, fighting for the shattered fragments of their own universe! Faction-specific action decks and special character abilities give each group their own playstyle, from the well-armed Judges with explosive ammo to the bestial fury of Sláine and his Celtic allies....
Cosmic Encounter Duel is a competitive standalone two-player game in the Cosmic Encounter universe in which you and your closest frenemy race to be the first to control five planets. Each of twenty-seven alien species comes equipped with its own unique abilities that play with the game mechanisms in some way, offering you an edge in the fight. How your...
Bem-vindo à bela praia de Karekare, no maravilhoso arquipélago conhecido como Aotearoa (também chamado Nova Zelândia), no sul do Oceano Pacífico! Ao longo das décadas, colonizaram-na e surgiu uma nova cultura - os maori - que as chamavam de lares. Este jogo desafia você a liderar uma das iwis (tribos) que se estabeleceram lá. Explore as ilhas, assuma o...
The dazzling boulevards and historical monuments of Paris have been enveloped by lush vegetation. The once bustling city hub has been hushed to stillness following an apocalyptic event and your goal is to forge a new future. Equip your shelter, manage your resources, and rally a community of various survivors, all while making your way through the jungle...
Set in the renaissance world of Nova Aetas, Dungeonology will lead you to the discovery of different Civilizations in order to learn their histories and customs. But be careful: the locals will not always be happy with your intrusion.
2–4 PlayersPlaying Time: 20–30 MinAge: 8+
Ao serviço do imperador, és um mestre que gere as fábricas de produção de garum em Troia, na Lusitania, e Baelo Claudia, na Baetica. Nestas regiões existe o melhor peixe, sal e sol para produzir o mais valioso molho do império. As poderosas famílias de Roma pagam fortunas por uma ânfora deste condimento.Com sabedoria e destreza alcançarás toda a riqueza e...
Evil High Priest is a worker-placement game in which the players take the part of priests of a Lovecraftian entity. All players worship the same Great Old One, but they are emphatically not allies. When they awaken their Great Old One, he will decide which among them is the best (based on VPs) and appoint that priest, and that priest only, to be the High...
Gira manadas de animais no delta do Okavango. Okavango é um jogo de maiorias em ambiente de savana africana, onde os guardas da reserva devem levar os animais a seu cargo a beber. Para isso, deverão formar manadas e conduzi-las até ao delta do rio ou aos charcos de água dispersos, tentando restaurar o equilibrio natural.
Aumente a sua influência na China Imperial. Forbidden City é um jogo de colocação de ladrilhos e de controle de áreas passado na China antiga. Os jogadores tentarão aumentar a sua influência no Palácio Imperial, colocando à vez ladrilhos nas salas do Palácio, de forma a conseguir ter a maioria de conselheiros da sua cor e a maior quantidade de dragões...
With a piece of land to call your own, a handful of resources, a few families and a head full of dreams you embark on a journey of a lifetime. Beyond lies the New World full of opportunities to make your dreams of a new home a reality. But beware, other settlers have come here as well, and although their beginnings are as humble as yours, each of them...
As Lara Croft embarks on an unknown journey in search of a hidden artifact, the threat she faces is...none other than herself!?Explore ruins, stave off threats, and use your wits, arsenal and skills to prove that you, and you alone, are the "true" Lara Croft in Tomb Raider Legends: The Board Game! Each game offers a different experience thanks to a...
Disaster has struck! Cities around the world are in desperate need of food, water, vaccines, and other supplies. You and your team belong to the Crisis Response Unit (CRU), an international organization that provides humanitarian relief around the world. Can you save humanity in time?
Expandir, proteger, sobreviver — Numa galáxia muito, muito longe, uma catástrofe cósmica aproxima-se. Muito em breve, o sol vai transformar-se numa supernova devoradora de mundos. Quem irá conseguir salvar o maior número de planetas e assegurar a sobrevivência da sua fação?
Growing tomatoes, lettuce, or carrots on Iceland? What an absurd idea! But still, whoever had that idea was a genius! Geothermal energy on the island allows you to cultivate the most unexpected fruits and vegetables — an oddity that no tourist would want to miss.
Fields of Green takes place in the second half of the 20th century. Players take the role of farm owners trying to expand their property and business. By adding fields, livestock and facilities, they build an economic engine that will bring them closer to victory.