Springs, front (progressive, +20% rate, blue) (2)
Ring gear, differential/ Pinion gear, differential rear
Placa protecção, transmission, nylon (cinzento)
Differential Output Yokes Black
Differential output yokes, hardened steel
Body mount posts,front(2)/body mount,rear/body mount
Shock tower (for rectangular body posts)
Placa protecção, traseira plastico (cinzento)
Braços Suspensãos (Inferior) (2)
Piston/sleeve (matched Set), (TRX 2.5, 2.5R)
Bumpers, front and rear (black chrome)
Mount, steering arm/ steering stops (2)
Servo horns, steering and throttle
Heavy Duty Slipper Clutch Rebuild Kit
Yokes Differential & Transmission
Stub axles, rear, heavy duty (2)/pins (2)
Stub axles, front, heavy duty (2)
Gear Set, differential / spider gears (2)