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Prince John is the third in a collection of six dastardly Disney Villains! Contents Puzzle 1000 pieces
This puzzle is a must for anyone who has ever enjoyed Pokémon! This ingenious design groups similarly coloured characters together, so expect plenty of puzzling challenges as you piece your favourites together. Look very closely at all the detail - it will definitely help if you can spot the difference between Pikachu and Raichu, Clefairy or Jigglypuff!
A Dinastia de Borgonha ou Afonsina, composta por nove reis, foi a primeira a governar em Portugal.Este puzzle é uma viagem pela fundação do reino de Portugal que, de forma criativa e através de uma ilustração divertida, ajuda a perceber quem são e o que fizeram os primeiros reis de Portugal.
4D Cityscape has now teamed up with National Geographic to launch the world's first multi-layer Jigsaw Puzzle that teaches history with its interactive puzzle app! Learning about ancient cities has never been so much fun.
Six of the Best Puzzles - Mensa Pocket Puzzles